Сразу попрошу прощения за несколько корявый перевод (переводил документ через программу),но суть неисправности понять можно.
Описание функции
Начиная процедуру
Когда водитель поворачивает ключ зажигания в положение питания 15, ток будет поступать на координатора, который в свою очередь поставляет 12 вольт в трансивера. Система использует 12 вольт
Ключ стартера, координатор и блок управления EDC впоследствии проверяется. Если все в согласии, реле стартера и подачи топлива будет
активирован. Предупреждение W33 лампа не покажет на, если есть что-то не так.
Весь этот процесс больше не принимает 200-300 мс и едва заметны для водителя.
Verifying the starter key
1 After powering up, the transceiver will seek inductive contact with the starter key
2 After making contact, the transceiver will send confirmation to the coordinator.
3 The coordinator then sends a random number to the transponder via the transceiver unit.
4 The transponder encrypts the random number and sends back an encrypted response to the coordinator. Meanwhile, the coordinator has itself encrypted its own random number and now checks that the transponder's response is the same as its own.
Fault codes
Fault codes related to the immobiliser are stored in the coordinator. The principle tool
used to check for any fault codes is Scania Diagnos. There are, however, other ways of reading and clearing codes using the diagnostic lamp and the diagnostic switch (S50) on the instrument panel.
The switch in question is marked "COO" (diagnostic switch panel pin 10) and is
connected to coordinator pin 12. The switch, which has a return spring, closes and earths pin 12 when it is depressed.
The coordinator interprets this as a request to show any fault codes and will flash them out by intermittently connecting pin 12 to ground in the required pulse sequence when the switch on the panel is released.
Reading fault codes
• Switch on the power supply.
• Depress the diagnostics switch marked
"COO" and keep it depressed for two seconds.
• The lamp will now flash if there are any fault codes present. A long flash indicates
tens and a short flash ones. Illustrated example: Fault code 26 is indicated with
two long flashes followed by six short ones.
• Depress the diagnostic switch once again to read the next fault code.
Erasing fault codes
Clear all fault codes as follows:
• Begin by switching off the current.
• Press the diagnostics switch and keep it depressed.
• Switch on the current again with the diagnostic switch depressed.
Remember that reading fault codes is not always regarded as the perfect troubleshooting method. The software used is very advanced but, nonetheless, some types of faults may arise that cannot be registered with fault codes.
Likewise, situations may arise when a fault code is generated even though there is not
fault at present. Such an example may be temporary bad contact or that a cable splice has disconnected and then connected again while the power has been on.
Fault code 26
The starter key cannot be verified.
The starter key is interpreted as being invalid.
Either the key does not have a transponder at all or the transponder is faulty. However, it is also possible that the starter key has been programmed for another coordinator or other starter keys with transponders on the same key ring are interfering with the verification of the key.
A fault in the transceiver can also generate this
fault code.
The immobiliser warning lamp, W33, will flash if this fault occurs.
For more information, select "Display of status" under the "Configuration…" button in
the system window.
Make sure the correct starter key is in the starter lock. Make sure there are no more keys with transponders on the key ring. Check the transceiver and wiring.
Besides a plastic pouch containing the mechanical code for the starter key, a plastic
pouch with three other codes is also delivered together with new vehicles with immobiliser.
These are the PIN code, encryption code and bar code.
IMPORTANT! The codes are required for programming control units and starter keys.
Scania does not keep a register of codes and it is important that the vehicle owner keeps them safe. Lost codes will lead to extra labour and increased costs.
1. PIN Code
The PIN code can be found concealed inside the sealed plastic pouch. It always comprises 6 digits.
Principally, both the associated control units must be unlocked before any work can be done on them. The PIN code then acts as a key.
order to carry out many of the actions in Scania
Programmer. The PIN code is generally
• When renewing the coordinator.
• When renewing the EDC control unit.
• When removing any of the control units if they are to be used in another vehicle.
• When additional starter keys are used.
• When activating the immobiliser.
In addition, the PIN code is required if an emergency start has been necessary for some reason (see side 28).
The encryption code can be found concealed inside the sealed plastic pouch. It always
comprises 12 alphanumeric characters.
You could say that the encryption code is a key that is used to verify the transponder in the starter key. For this reason, the code must be used:
• When the coordinator has been renewed and you still want to use the same starter keys as before.
• When reactivating a system that has previously been deactivated.
The bar code can be found outside the plastic pouch. It is read at the factory when the control units are initially programmed.
At that moment, the control units automatically learn the PIN code and encryption code that are associated with the bar code. This means that these codes need not be revealed at this time.
The bar code, however, may also have to be specified manually in Scania Programmer. In that case, enter the 16 alphanumeric characters printed underneath the bar code lines. This will be required:
• When using new starter keys.
• When renewing the coordinator with associated new starter keys.
Scania Programmer has an emergency function called timed unlocking. Performing timed unlocking enables you to unlock and program the control units even though the PIN code and encryption code have been mislaid.
Timed unlocking activates a timer in the coordinator and requires 12 hours to complete, which is why it is regarded as an emergency function.
You can disconnect Scania Programmer during this time, but the power must be turned on.
Cutting off the power will interrupt the timed unlock.
After initiating timed unlocking, the program will display a lock code that must be given once the 12 hours are up. Entering this code manually will reset the coordinator to basic generation 3 and unlock the EDC control unit.
This means that new codes must be used for reprogramming once timed unlocking has been carried out. Starter keys (and possibly the starter lock) must be replaced with new ones. You will receive new codes with the new keys.
The coordinator serial number must be given when initiating timed unlocking. The number is printed on a label affixed to the top of the coordinator (see illustration).